2009/11/1 Dánielisz László <laszlo_daniel...@yahoo.com>

> I also though that maybe the rl NIC can be wrong, I will try another
> branded NIC as soon as it will be possible, until than I looked for arp an
> socksat right after dhcp request, these are my results:
> mac# $ dhcping -h 00:23:32:dc:72:19 -s
> no answer
> bsd# tcpdump -i rl1 -n port 67 or port 68
> tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
> listening on rl1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
> 19:14:38.604545 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request
> from 00:23:32:dc:72:19, length 250
> 19:24:06.600131 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request
> from 00:23:32:dc:72:19, length 250
> bsd# arp -a
> ? ( at 00:23:6c:86:41:d9 on rl1 [ethernet] <- this is my
> MacBook
> ? ( at 00:13:8f:86:2f:64 on rl1 permanent [ethernet] <- this is
> the layer 3 switch

So your switch and your rl1 interface have the same IP? That can't be good,
can't see why it would affect things when the switch isn't in action though.

# sockstat -4l | grep dhcp
> dhcpd    dhcpd      4747  7  udp4   *:67                  *:*
> mac# arp -a
> <public_ip>.pool.hdsnet.hu (<public_ip>) at 4a:55:88:7c:44:4f on tap0
> ifscope [ethernet]
> bsd ( at 0:13:8f:86:2f:64 on en1 ifscope [ethernet]
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