On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Jove James <freej...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi friend,
> I've set up a FreeBSD virtual machine with VmWare Player. After configuring
> networ I installed xampp-linux-1.7.2.tar.gz on it. But quite weird that I
> got "command not found" error:
> jove# pwd
> /opt/lampp
> jove# ls
> RELEASENOTES    error           lampp           logs            sbin
> backup          etc             lib             modules         share
> bin             htdocs          libexec         phpmyadmin      tmp
> cgi-bin         icons           licenses        phpsqliteadmin  var
> jove# ./lampp start
> ./lampp: Command not found.
> jove#
> If you know the reason which caused the error could you please kindly tell
> me by replying this email?
> Many thanks,
> Jove

If you really want to run a web server plus script lang plus on freebsd, you
should just install the native packages and ports.  There is the handbook
which covers installation and configuration of each part of the stack,
perhaps this is unlike you're previous os.


You might even check for the port of the particular app you're trying to run
and install that directly.  It should pull in the dependencies directly.

Adam Vande More
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