On 11/9/09, Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> First, sorry I missed the original problem report, I'm not subscribed
> to -questions. Usually ports questions (including those about tools)
> are handled on freebsd-po...@freebsd.org, but OTOH if you're not sure
> where to send a question it's always better to start on the -questions
> list. :)
> Second, thanks to b.f. for the very thorough analysis of the problem.
> I will respond and trim a bit as I go.
> Third, I've cc'ed maho@ since the genesis of the problem is that
> math/atlas and math/atlas-devel aren't setting CONFLICTS when
> apparently they should be. maho, if you need any help with this let me
> know.
> b. f. wrote:
>> Scott Bennett wrote:
>>> I would like to install science/gnudatalanguage but have been running
>>> into various obstacles.  Lars Engels very kindly just fixed one of them
>>> (devel/lasi) (Thanks, Lars!), so now I'm on to the next one, which may
>>> not
>>> be a showstopper, but it's at least a nuisance.  One of the
>>> gnudatalanguage
>>> dependencies is math/py-numpy, which, in turn, depends upon math/atlas.
>>> However, I have math/atlas-devel installed and do not wish to revert to
>>> an
>>> older, slower version of the ATLAS library.  Adding a "-x atlas-\*" onto
>>> the portmaster command to build math/py-numpy fails to prevent portmaster
>>>from trying to build math/atlas.
> As was pointed out, that definitely won't work. With the glob patterns
> for exclusions, or specifying ports on the command line you want to be
> as conservative as possible. Also, it's not necessary to include a *
> at the end, portmaster will handle that for you.
>>> Creating a
>>> /var/db/pkg/atlas-3.8.3_1,1/+IGNOREME file in addition doesn't help.
> +IGNOREME files are only relevant to installed ports.
>>> How
>>> can I force math/py-numpy to accept the already installed
>>> math/atlas-devel
>>> libraries?
>>> Thanks in advance for any help!
> The easiest way for you to accomplish this would have been to use '-x
> atlas', the second-easiest would have been to use the -i command line
> option. See the man page for more information on that.
>> Congratulations, you've managed to defeat three sets of safeguards in
>> portmaster.
>> Problem #1
>> math/atlas and math/atlas-devel don't have proper CONFLICTS entries in
>> their Makefiles (this should be fixed),
> Yes, this analysis was essentially correct.
>>  Problem #2:
>> You're using the -x flag incorrectly.  Or portmaster isn't
>> implementing it properly when the port to be excluded is not actually
>> installed, take your pick.
> The way that -x is implemented currently really depends on the user's
> definition of the exclude pattern, and is designed to exclude things
> as early as possible so as to avoid what would ultimately become
> wasted effort. It's hard to justify modifying the code to guess that
> something we've already started working on might match what we think
> the user MEANT instead of what they SAID.
>> Problem #3:
>> The +IGNOREME checks in portmaster aren't properly implemented for
>> this case, so they fail to prevent math/atlas from being built.
> s/properly implemented for/designed to handle/
> If you think about this for a second, the entries in /var/db/pkg are
> exclusively related to installed ports, so trying to use an +IGNOREME
> file for this purpose doesn't make sense, although I can sympathize
> with the OPs sense of desperation here. :)
>> So what can you do while these problems are being fixed?
> Just to be clear, I didn't see anything that needs to be fixed in your
> message, and I hope my explanation makes it clear why. If you think
> that there are actual bugs that need to be fixed please feel free to
> create a thread on -ports to discuss them.

The CONFLICTS for math/atlas* should be fixed, as you remarked.  As
for portmaster, I'll allow that your choices were reasonable, but it
would be wise to note in the manpage that:

1) +IGNOREME files only work with installed ports (just because the
package database is naturally associated with installed ports doesn't
mean that someone won't create an +IGNOREME for one that isn't
installed), and
2) when trying to prevent the build or installation of a port that is
not currently installed, the exclusion glob will be compared with the
port directory, rather than the PKGNAME, as is done for installed
packages.  Using something like:


for _dir in `make -C /usr/ports -V SUBDIR` ; do
     for _dir2 in `make -C /usr/ports/${_dir} -V SUBDIR` ; do
          _pkgname=`make -C /usr/ports/${_dir}/${_dir2} -V PKGNAME`
          case  "${_dir}/${_dir2}" in
          *${_pkgname%%-[0-9]*}*) ;;
          *) echo "${_dir}/${_dir2}             ${_pkgname}" ;;
          esac ;
     done ;

one can find a number of ports that might surprise a user that was not
aware of this fact.  And with regard to the selection of exclusion
globs, we should note that a glob that matches too many ports may be
as problematic as one that matches too few.

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