On Mon, 9 Nov 2009 17:46:06 +0000, Masoom Shaikh  wrote: 

 On Fri, Nov
6, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Rusty Nejdl  wrote:

On Fri, 6 Nov 2009 17:33:00 +0530,
Masoom Shaikh  wrote:  


Last Saturday I installed 8.0-RC2 from
source by compiling on 7.1 installation. building and installing was smooth
as always has been. Then I pkg_add'ed xorg and KDE4, this was painless too.
I am very disappointed with my experience 

problem # 1
The problem is KDE4
is not able to display anti aliased fonts. I have made the required changes
to make it work, of course, in System Settings -> Appearance ->
Hinting -> Full, and there is is one more option, the name i cannot
recall ATM, I have set it to RGB. DPI to 96......this is has worked for all
combination of installs I have used so far, viz KDE3 on FreeBSD-6.x to
KDE4.1.x on FreeBSD-7.x and KDE4.2 on FreeBSD-8.0RC1

problem # 2
observed that both FreeBSD8.0-RC1 and FreeBSD8.0-RC2, simply freeze due to
no reason. The pain is I don't get a core dump. When it freezes the only
option is to hard boot by reseting the power. This might need more
information to guess the cause. I will give basic info. This is Dell
Inspiron 1525 Laptop, with Intel Core2. My suspect mostly goes to wpi
driver, no proof, just my gut feeling.

problem # 3
starting with 8.0 wpi
driver no longer is the interface, wlanX is to be created. this is not
news, but every time I manually create the wlan0 interface and spawn
wpa_supplicant. This shuould be automatic, as I have followed the
guidelines of rc.conf(5). I can provide output of rc_debug="YES" if someone
is willing. How can i install all files under /etc from the source

Masoom Shaikh

Regarding #2, I suggest disabling ACPI. I also had system
freezes happen on my computer until I did this but this has always been an
ongoing issue with my system and I lose nothing by turning it off.

Rusty Nejdl
http://networking.ringofsaturn.com [3]   how do we
disable acpi ? is it hw.acpi.disable_on_reboot ? if it is I guess I shud
set it to 1 in loader.conf, it still remains 0

You can disable APIC
support with hint.apic.0.disabled="1" in loader.conf.



[2] mailto:masoom.sha...@gmail.com
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