On 11/13/09, Chuck Swiger <cswi...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi, David--
> On Nov 13, 2009, at 2:48 PM, David Allen wrote:
>> There are options available in /etc/defaults/rc.conf to do just that,
>> but how does one copy over the contents of /var at system boot?
> I'd consider adding something to /etc/rc.d/mountcritlocal (which
> normally mounts the local filesystems) to setup a RAMdisk on /var and
> then do "rsync -a /var_template /var" (or use a dump/restore or tar
> pipeline).

At the risk of sounding obtuse while asking for more help, I can work
out the rsync or dump part, but the rest I don't  get. The
mountcritremote essentially just does a mount -a -t ..., yes?  To
insert a few mdmfs commands followed by rsync commands, for example,
would require re-writing most the script.  Is there  a better place to

The reason I ask is that some time ago I had a look at nanobsd which
is designed to run on RO flash media.  The /var and /tmp directories
are created as memory devices that supposedly get re-populated from a
/cfg directory at boot.

The /usr/src/tools/tools/nanobsd/nanobsd.sh setup script has a
function named setup_nanobsd_etc.  Essentially, it writes out an
/etc/fstab file and does a 'touch /etc/diskless'.  Unless there's
magic that happens behind the scenes with that /etc/diskless file, I
don't see how anything gets re-populated.

Put simply, I'm stuck somewhere between that script and your
suggestions thus far.

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