Polytropon wrote:
On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 11:43:17 +0800, Fbsd1 <fb...@a1poweruser.com> wrote:
Been using the same serial mouse since release 7.0 through 7.1 and 7.2.
Just installed release 8.0 and the rc.conf statements
dont work any longer.

# serial port radioshack 2 button mouse

Nothing has changed on the box hardware.
Mouse worked in 7.2 but not in 8.0

I even tried sysinstall/configure/mouse to test other options and none worked.

Has serial mouse support been dropped in release 8.0 and not removed from sysinstall?????

I'm not sure about the moused_port, it's some time ago that
I've used a serial mouse, but I had

        moused_flags="-r 300 -a 2.0"

in /etc/rc.conf - cuaa0 instead of cuad0.

For some checking, why not use

        moused -f -i all -p /dev/cuad0


        moused -f -d -t auto -p /dev/cuad0

for some checking?

I checked /dev and there are no cuaa* or cuad*
In 7.2 used the sysinstall/configur/mouse menu and it was the one that crated the moused_port="/dev/cuad0" rc.conf statment as showen in first post.

/dev does have cuau0 & cuau1 for uucp dialer. could this be the names of the serial ports in 8.0?

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