On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:28:05PM -0800, Rem Roberti wrote:
> Basically, I am using Mutt as my MUA, and I have either getmail or 
> fetchmail configured to receive my POP3 mail from Comcast, which is via 
> mail.comcast.net.  I am using msmtp as my smtp client, and have no 
> trouble sending mail from Mutt...just can't receive.  Both the 
> .fetchmailrc and getmailrc configurations have worked in the past.  Is 
> this possibly a sendmail issue?  The fetchmail.log repeatedly indicates 
> "Trying to connect to failed: Operation 
> temed out."

Are you sure Mutt is trying to use fetchmail or getmail, and not still
trying to use Sendmail instead?

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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