> On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 12:48:44PM +0000, Matthew Faircliff wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hiya,
> >
> > Have you tried using libapreq? I find that it is a superior method of transmitting 
> > POST data. Find it in /usr/ports/www/p5-libapreq.
> > $my_posted_var = $r->parms{'my_var'};
> >
> Nope haven't tried it yet, because using CGI.pm was working for me on my other
> servers, I never felt the need for a more clever thing, but I'll give it a try
> for sure, this looks great.
> > Also, why not look into Mason (like emb_perl, only better). It handles POST data 
> > like a charm.
> I'll have a look at it right now too.
> But anyhow I don't think those will solve the problem because the POST data
> coming from the HTTP request doesn't even reach my script, although it has
> been working all the time on my previous servers. So I guess the problem is
> not in my method of getting/parsing the data, but in the process between the
> client's request and the script getting it. And PHP scripts get the POST data
> fine, argh :(
> But thanks a lot for your suggestions, I'll try them as soon as I am done
> compiling the perl port and re-installing all my perl modules.. Not that there
> is a chance of it working better, since the system's perl works ok for POST
> when trying it in the console. But I'm lost so trying anything I haven't
> yet...

Post the relevent pieces of your form and the script. (including lines
that contain definitions and parsing).


> Thanks again Matt :)
> --
> Olivier
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