On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Bas Smeelen <b.smee...@ose.nl> wrote:
> Sandra Kachelmann wrote:
>> Under RedHat Linux I can configure an interface, routes and so on in
>> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1,
>> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/routes-eth1 then simply run:
>> $ ifup eth1
>> and it will set all the routes/netconfig/aliases I just configured.
>> Is there something similar in FreeBSD?
>> I tried configuring aliases in /etc/rc.conf and running:
>> $ /etc/rc.d/netif restart
>> but that just ended in errors that the route was already configured
>> and so on. Sure I could do all the work manually with ifconfig and
>> route but that's not my question.
> Usually I do this from remote with /etc/rc.d/netif restart &&
> /etc/rc.d/routing restart &
> Maybe you are not root (because of the $ prompt)?
> #/etc/rc.d/netif restart && /etc/rc.d/routing restart &
> This always works for me

I was root but I didn't think of '/etc/rc.d/routing' also thanks to Ivan.

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