Hi All.

I posted this to hackers@, but it received no attention (rightfully so,
I suppose). I should have tried here first.

Are there any sharpies that can verify whether OpenSSL under RELENG_4_5
is the same as RELENG_4_6_2?

I have a RELENG_4_5 box that needs the OpenSSL update, and it appears
that only the FreeBSD CVS version numbers keep some half-dozen of the
patches from applying cleanly.

Checking out some files in the RELENG_4_6_2 CVS tree, it looks to me as
though 4.6.2 was released with the same version of OpenSSL as 4.5 was.
Am I correct? And therefore, the RELENG_4_6_2 patches are appropriate for
RELENG_4_5? After applying said patches, does that make my RELENG_4_5
OpenSSL the same as RELENG_4_6_2?


  ______________________                         ______________________
  \__________________   \    D. J. HAWKEY JR.   /   __________________/
     \________________/\     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    /\________________/

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