Gary Kline wrote:

        The short answer [Guess] is no, I dont think so.  If getting the
        keys to have an auditory feedback with beeps or shorter clicks were
        that easy, it would have been done after 15 years.  Even Linux
lacks this--and I'd bet Minux too.

Uh, it was done years ago.  Look at the xset(1) manual page -- there are
options there to turn on key-click.  They've been there since before the
millennium as I recall.  Most people find key-click intensely annoying (even
more so if it's on someone else's machine) so it's turned off by default.

As it's an X windows thing, it should be available on any OS where you can
run an X server, so any Linux or FreeBSD.  Of course, you will need some sort
of speaker in the machine to generate the noises, but that can be very
rudimentary.  If your machine can emit a beep, then it can probably do
key click too.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                 Flat 3
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