On Fri, 1 Jan 2010, Brahim LARCHET wrote:
Le 01/01/2010 18:45, Matthew Seaman a ?crit :

x2x sounds like it fits the bill:


Synergy can do this too http://synergy2.sourceforge.net


Those both sound more like software KVMs rather than remote control. An example of what I'm up against, from a couple of days ago:

Them: It popped up a window that says error.
  Me: I'm going to need a bit more detail.
Them: It was blue.
  Me: ... Okay.  What did it say?
Them: I can't read that small type, and anyway there's another window in
      front of it that's kind of fuzzy.
  Me: Okay, which window is active is called "focus", and well, it
      doesn't matter.  Click on the title bar and drag that window out
      of the way.
Them: What's a title bar?
  Me: That... er, bar at the top, with the, well, title on it.
Them: When you say click, do you mean the left or right mouse button?

Ultravnc (http://www.uvnc.com/) has a slick setup where you give the Windows user a binary to run, and it calls back to the support site. No setup needed the client's part. I don't know how much of that is encrypted.

The shared session is important to be able to show the users how to do things in their own inevitably-customized session.

Right now, I can run ssvncviewer -listen on the support system, then run this on the "supportee" system:

cmd="x11vnc -display :0 -localhost -connect localhost -ncache"
ssh -t -c blowfish -R 5500:$remotehost:5500 localhost "$cmd"

That works, and I think it meets the specs. Reversing connection combined with a remote tunnel is making me dizzy. And this is all on the LAN for testing, so allowing this in through the firewall will add more complexity.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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