On Wed 06 Jan 2010 at 09:52:32 PST Warren Block wrote:
On Wed, 6 Jan 2010, Charlie Kester wrote:

Assuming you have to use X, you'll want to avoid heavyweight desktop
environments like KDE or Gnome.  I like tiled window managers like musca
or dwm myself, but your skeptics will probably want a more traditional
window manager (aka MS-Windows clone) like xfce or openbox.

Hey, xfce is not like Windows, it's fast.


If you want really light and Windows-like, icewm.  Although last time I
tried it, desktop icons--the lifeblood of the typical Windows
user--required external programs (idesk) and were a hassle.

I don't think we want to hijack this thread or this forum and turn it
into a debate over which window managers and apps are best.  As I
pointed out in my followup to my original reply, there's already a
voluminous discussion on those topics.  I think we should simply point
interested readers in that direction and let them make up their own

When you say "internet (with plugins)" I think you mean Firefox.  If
this isn't a hard and fast requirement, take a look at some of the more
lightweight browsers like Midori, Kazehakase or Arora.  (I'd recommend
even more lightweight alternatives like surf or elinks, but I don't
think your skeptics will approve.)

AdblockPlus and FlashBlock are near requirements for browsing, particularly for slow machines. Maybe they'll work with non-Firefox gecko browsers.

Good point.  Something anyone considering these Firefox alternatives
should investigate.

Same for OpenOffice.  There are alternatives to each of the apps in the
OpenOffice suite that might not have all the same bells and whistles,
but will run in much less RAM.

gnumeric is nice for a spreadsheet. May not be particularly lightweight, but lighter than OO.

Same with Abiword for a word processor.  But again, we probably
shouldn't get too deep into the discussion of various apps.
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