On 1/7/2010 2:18 PM, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> Hello,
> I have sent some hours ago a mail to freebsd-questions
> which went out fine to the MX of my ISP (as I can see in
> /var/log/maillog) but does not show up in the list and not
> in the Archives. The Subject: was about sendmail and SMTP AUTH. 
> I have changed the ISP today morning for outbound mail and it
> may happen that this could be the cause, even if mails to
> other recipients are working fine... 
> Is there some kind of anti-SPAM protection for freebsd-questions
> based on the IP of the SMTP origin? To whom I could contact?
> Thanks in advance
>         matthias

I too have a similar problem with my emails. They take about 30-45
minutes to be posted to the list. According to Thunderbird the mail is
sent (at least to my mail server @ Bluehost), and the time-stamp on the
message reads as the time I sent it. Didn't think anyone else was having
this problem.


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