On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 8:06 AM, David Rawling <d...@pdconsec.net> wrote:
> About 3 months ago I built myself a time server using 8.0-RC3, IIRC, and I
> upgraded to 8.0-RELEASE (and now -p2). Naturally, as I want this server to
> provide time services, I've installed the net/ntp port, among others.
> Recently, for reasons that have become lost in the mists of time, I noticed
> that I wasn't running the port version of NTP (/usr/local/sbin/ntpd), but
> the version installed with the base system (/usr/sbin/ntpd).
> For the immediate term, I've renamed the base versions of the files in
> /usr/sbin, and then symlinked to the port version (in /usr/local) - ntpd is
> now the ports version, as are most of the tools. This does, however, seem
> like a rather silly way of getting the most current NTPd running.
> I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get the Ports version of NTP
> to overwrite the base system's NTP. Yet I'm sure (since there *is* a port of
> NTP) there must be a better way to do this.
> Can anyone point me in the direction of some documentation?


I'm not going to claim that this is the "best" way either, but if
you're doing source installs you could just set "WITHOUT_NTP=true" in
/etc/src.conf to disable the installation of the system one. You can
use "man src.conf" to find out more about this. I stop installations
of a bunch of standard services this way -- lpr, bind, nis, sendmail,
etc. "make delete-old" from your source build will clean up those
files that are no longer used.

Hope this helps,
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