Glen Barber schrieb:
Hi Frank,

Frank Wi?mann wrote:
Hi, folks!
I want to launch my freshly installed VB with the "run"-command under KDE 3.5.10, but it won't start. All I get is "Command can't be executed" in german. I also tried with full pathname "/usr/local/lib/virtualbox/VboxBFE", but that doesn't work either.
Where should I look for a solution?

Can you run this from a terminal emulator (konsole, xterm) for more
verbose output?

OK, here it is:

VBoxBFE: supR3HardenedExecDir: couldn't read "", errno=2 cchLink=-1

HTH Frank

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When pack meets pack in the jungle
and no one will move from the trail
wait till the leaders have spoken
it may be fair words shall prevail

(Rudyard Kipling)
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