On Wednesday 03 February 2010 03:59:15 Steve Franks wrote:
> On a running system.  I mean, I know I should quit being a &%^#& and
> read the manpage for bsdlabel, but sysintall really does have a nice
> tui. 

sade(8) is the standalone version of sysinstall's partitioning subroutine. 
Also, if you're running a reasonably recent version of FreeBSD, you might want 
to take a look at gpart(8) which can do slicing and labeling (and a whole 
bunch of other disk partitioning related stuff).



> 'C'reate slice goes straight to 'd', even on a 'fresh' disk.
> I see in the handbook, this is alluded to, but some intermediate level
> between begginer and expert (bsdlabel just strikes me as way too easy
> to trash the disk I'm running off of while trying to make a backup),
> would be nice...512M just won't fit the kernel+symbols.
> <fuming, reading man bsdlabel ;) >
> Steve
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