On 18 February 2010 00:11, mailinglist <mailingl...@ucwv.edu> wrote:

> I've got an old P4 desktop computer running in the basement with a 1 TB
> external USB drive connected to that I use as a file server.  That PC is
> running XP.  It has recently become infected with some sort of virus.  I'd
> like to replace it with FreeBSD running ZFS + Samba (I need to access it
> from a OS X machine and a Windows 7 box).
> 1) Will FreeBSD be able to detect and use my TB hard drive as ZFS disk?
>  Right now it is only a single disk, but later on I'll and a second disk and
> setup a mirror.  Even as a single disk, the checksumming ability would be
> nice.
Should be fine

> 2)Assume I get everything setup in regards to step 1 and my OS disk dies.
>  How do I go about importing the ZFS external disk into another FreeBSD
> installation?
Just make sure you plug it into a freebsd v 7.2+ (preferably 8+) and zpool
import it with a -f flag

On another point make sure your p4 has plenty of ram preferably 4gb, but at
least 2

> Thanks for all of the help!
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