I'm not exactly sure what is going on here. Just about 10 minutes ago my
mouse locked up and stopped responding, eventually forcing me to reboot
because I couldn't get it to start responding again. I even had to
unplug it from the USB port (it is a USB mouse) and plug it back in
because it lost power for some reason. I tried restarting hald and dbus,
figuring that was the problem, I also tried using sysinstall to
configure the mouse to no luck. I have use of my mouse again, but my
scroll wheel is no longer being recognized. I've once again tried using
sysinstall and restarting hald and dbus to no avail.

It's a fairly old (about 6-8 years) Logitech optical mouse (if I'm not
mistaken, this is one with force feedback, but I'm not concerned about
that feature).

The applications I had running at the time were:

OOo 3.1.1
FF 3.6
TB 3.0.1
Pidgin 2.6.5
Gkrellm2 with weather plugin

I was actually on the phone talking with someone while trying to check
up on some messages I had received via FaceBook when the mouse went out.
At first I had thought that my computer had locked because nothing
seemed to be responding, but a quick check showed me I could still
alt+1-5 through my workspaces (keyboard is also USB and apparently
suffered no such interruption).

Both mouse and kb are on a PCI USB 2.0 expansion port because the
builtins at the back of the box are on their way out (mobo is about as
old as the mouse).
Yours In Christ,

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