On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 3:21 PM, andrew clarke <m...@ozzmosis.com> wrote:
> On Fri 2010-03-12 00:16:35 UTC-0500, Steve Bertrand (st...@ibctech.ca) wrote:
>> > The machine has a Motherboard that supports 2 double pentium III
>> > processors with 1GB of ram and a hard disk with 40GB.
> I run FreeBSD 7.2 on a headless 1 GHz Pentium III with 256 MB RAM.
> ...
>> Again... so long as the system won't change its overall process
>> objectives, go to the recent production release, but instead of
>> assigning 256M for /, throw 2G at it to be safe.
> 2 GB for / seems excessive to me.  1 GB should be plenty.  I have 500
> MB allocated for FreeBSD 7.2:
> Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a    496M    144M    312M    31%    /
> Although, with a cheap PCI SATA controller card you should be able to
> use current model terabyte-sized hard drives on a Pentium III, so hard
> drive space is a bit academic.
> Regards
> Andrew
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i'd go w/ 8.0 worse case scenario 7.2
and put more memory in that machine it's embarassing :)

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