The easiest way to check if its the power switch is detach the "PWR"
switch connector from the mobo and briefly short the two pins.
    If the machine turns on its ure switch, however that is probably
unlikely - Ive never seen it before at least.

Check ure mobo for popped caps,... remove ure ram and cpu and clean
all relevant connectors with compressed air.
    Disconnect everything not needed for the mobo to power up while ure at it.

I had a workstation the other day that had a dead HDD that was
preventing it from powering up, as soon as I removed the HDD the mobo
powered up.

On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Frank Shute <> wrote:
> Sorry if this is a bit off-topic.
> I came in the other day to find my workstation powered off. Hitting
> the power on button had no effect as did using another known working
> outlet. I checked all the cables and they seem attached.
> I thought my power supply must have died so I got another, screwed it
> in and again no joy - no sign of life.
> Anybody got any ideas what the problem may be? I'm thinking possibly
> the power on switch but that seems a long shot and there seems no easy
> way to replace it.
> My hardware:
> Antec Sonata case.
> Gigabyte board.
> Core 2 duo
> TIA,
> Regards,
> --
>  Frank
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