On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 19:55:00 +0000
Vincent Hoffman <vi...@unsane.co.uk> wrote:

> On 21/03/2010 13:53, Dan Naumov wrote:
> > What are my options if I want to run an sftp server with speed
> > throttling? My understanding is that openssh (which includes sftp)
> > in base does not support this directly, so I would have to either
> > use a custom kernel with ALTQ (and I would really rather stick to
> > GENERIC so I can use freebsd-update) which sounds like a bit too
> > much configuration work or pass sftp traffic through PF and
> > throttle it (ugly, would also affect ssh traffic).
> >
> > Are there any sftp servers with directly built-in functionality for
> > this? I just would to be able to set limits for upload speed
> > globally for the entire server and preferably to also be able to do
> > speed settings on a per-user basis.
> >   
> A quick google indicates there are at least 2 sftp servers with this
> functionality,
> http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_sftp.html
> http://mysecureshell.sourceforge.net/en/index.html
> Proftpd with mod_sftp needs the proftp-devel port so I'm guessing its
> still in testing but at least its in ports.
> No idea about the mysecureshell program, its not in ports.
> I havent actually tried with of these so no idea how well they work,
> good luck.

I used pure-ftpd, and it's pretty awesome.

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