On Mar 25, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Martin McCormick wrote:

        I like to receive mail on a FreeBSD system and want to
continue to do so but occasionally, I have a message that needs
to be forwarded to a Macintosh in my office. It turns out that
Mac's do not do normal smtp mail like sendmail but one of the
options is pop.

        I installed popd on the FreeBSD server and want to be
able to feed messages meant for the Mac to popd at which point,
I should be able to retrieve them on that mac.

        The normal scenario is:

Mail comes in and I read it. One message has a 20-mile-long url
to a javascrypt-infested web site that lynx can't handle. I
should forward this message to the Mac and there, I can use
safari  to handle that message.

        Those are the only messages that will need to go through
popd so I need a simple way to feed them in so the Mac can get
them out.


Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group

Why not just roll out IMAP and then it won't matter? Actually if you wanted to use fancy postfix server side filtering I'd recommend you go IMAP anyway. Filter the 'bad' messages into their own folder. Honestly that seems more trouble than it's worth.

Mikel King
CEO, Olivent Technologies
Senior Editor, BSD News Network
Columnist, BSD Magazine
6 Alpine Court,
Medford, NY 11763
o: 631.627.3055 c: 631.796.1499

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