On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:28:49 +0700, m.anis <m.a...@arc.itb.ac.id>

> Hi all,
> I have problem with my pure-ftpd with mysql auth
> I don't know where the error
> I look on the database with phpmyadmin, and everything goes well
> here my config:
> pureftpd-mysql.conf
> /MYSQLSocket      /tmp/mysql.sock
> MYSQLServer     localhost
> MYSQLPort       3306
> MYSQLUser <mysqluser>
> MYSQLPassword <mysqlpass>
> MYSQLDatabase <mysqldb>
> /////
> pure-ftpd.conf
> [...]
> ChrootEveryone              yes
> [...]
> MySQLConfigFile               /usr/local/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-mysql.conf
> [...]
> CreateHomeDir               yes
> [...]

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