On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Chad Perrin <per...@apotheon.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 04, 2010 at 08:25:03AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> The final member of the traditional camelid trilogy, and a great book to

Hmm, so there _are_ in fact several trilogies! <g>  I would swap the
Camel for the Black Leopard anyday. Not implying that the author is
not a great writer, but the Camel book is mostly a printout of perldoc
perl <g> sure hope Larry is not on this list <lol>

> tack onto the list after the Alpaca, is the Camel Book, titled
> Programming Perl.  It's sorta the definitive reference for Perl
> programmers, and covers a lot more of the language and its philosophy
> than the Llama and Alpaca, though in my opinion the Llama and Alpaca
> together provide a needed introduction that the Camel only skims past
> (out of necessity, really, since a hand-holding introduction isn't really
> the book's purpose).
> There's also Mastering Perl, which was written as a sequel to
> Intermediate Perl, and I'm sure it's an excellent book.  I haven't read
> it, though, and know next to nothing about it, so I can't really
> recommend it.

Perhaps the Vicuña and kids is in fact the thrid member of the
"trilogy", but the Black Leopard is a must have to become a respected
Perl hacker IMHO. Anyway, since this is all OT I started this thread
in PM for your comments: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=832725

Alejandro Imass
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