On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Chris Phillips wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm not sure if it's exactly "On Topic" (I bet you'll let me know!), but
> here goes...
> I work in technical support, for a FreeBSD based, Internet Appliance &
> am after a way to gather some network quality information.
> I'd like to run some commands, one after another, have the output(s)
> added (appended) to a file, then, when all is complete, have that file
> sent to my email address.  I can then compile the data & make some sense
> of it, maybe...
> Stuff like: -
> hostname
> uptime
> ping -c 100 ftp.furrie.net
> traceroute ftp.furrie.net

Well you can do something like

(hostname ; uptime ; ping ; traceroute ) > file

You might also find the tee command useful


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