Greg Larkin wrote:
> Does pecl-APC not compile, or is it functionally broken after compiling
> succesfully?
It compiles, but once loaded it causes either Apache child processes to
segfault or abort traps depending on where the extension is listed in my
extensions.ini file. Apache itself is running fine, I don't have these
problems on non-PHP pages. Commenting out the in extensions.ini
makes Apache work again. I haven't done an extensive job of looking for
PHP extension conflicts just yet, but I've slowly been testing my PHP
extensions one by one on a test machine. I got as far as this:

> ; is commented out because this was the point where I realized that
it was the culprit after this upgrade. So, I'd imagine that APC has some
sort of problem with PHP 5.3, or possibly one of these extensions?

> > 2) Is there a way to look at the commit history of the ports I have
> > installed in /usr/ports so that I can verify whether or not I have the
> > revision with this particular fix? Thus far I've been relying on
> > and trusting that doing a portsnap will always fetch the
> > latest stuff visible on, but now I'm not so sure...
> Is /usr/ports/www/pecl-APC/files/patch-php_apc.c present on your
> machine?  If so, then you have the latest commit.
Yeah, I have that file... I didn't know that the patch fixed compiling
problems, that was never my problem.

Perhaps PHP 5.3 needs different APC related php.ini options or
something? I'm generally pretty lazy about doing a diff between the
stock config files and my own...

I've been trying to no avail to get a good backtrace of my problem,
would that be useful to anybody? Should I keep at this?

Thanks for your help Greg!
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