On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 1:53 AM, Антон Клесс <rc5h...@yandex.kz> wrote:
> portdowngrade seems is what I need.
> Which option do I have to choose?     6  2010/04/05 18:57:38  5.2.12   - as 
> the latest 5.2.x in list?

yes. the latest 5.2.x

> And, if I downgrade PHP to that version, do I have to downgrade something 
> else? At least,  lang/php5-extensions, I guess?

i had to do the same last week. i downgraded both lang/php5 and
lang/php5-extensions. php5-extensions was a little
fussy due to some ports being removed from the tree as they were now
included in php5-5.3.2 base. here is a link in
the archive from when i had to downgrade, if you have similar issues;

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