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On 27/04/2010 20:31:06, John wrote:
> I have done a monkey-simple spam trap.  It just so happens that I have
> a dozen or more user accounts that haven't been actually used in over five
> years and get dozens of spam hits every day.  I had been just sending
> them all to /dev/null with a sendmail alias.
> It seems to me that these are perfect trap e-mails for spam, and
> in the course of playing with what I'm attempting to do, it really
> does look that the only thing that hits them are spam messages.
> So, I built this really simple perl script, which gets invoked through
> a sendmail alias, as such:
> sink: "| /home/john/spamsink >> /tmp/blacklist"
> and then I alias various of the old, dead accounts to "sink".

Check out the mail/spamd port -- it does what you want, and more
besides.  The keyword is 'greytrapping'  Also, as it works against the
host that connects to your server, rather than anything in the message
headers (probably forged by the spammers) it's much better targeted.

Oh, and the action on discovered spammers is not simply to block their
access, but to engage them in a long drawn out and ultimately futile
SMTP coversation, thus wasting their resources and giving them a
generally bad day.



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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