i've never been anything near the extreme-green movement.  i
figured that newer computers/cpus/etc would be more efficient
than what came before.  still, getting-real, i checked out the
power stats for the various chipsets.   right now, everybody is
racing for efficiency.  not here yet.

i'm thinking of buying another dell dual-core and using it as a
backup Sever.  DNS, web, mail.  also it would function as my new
"tao".  if the freebsd.ORG wants my present dell, 2.4ghz
computer, great.  i'll ship it off on my dime.   what i'm
wondering is:: how good is this "PC-BSD" at being a server?  i
mean, if it's good at being a toy [to listen to A/V STreams and
other less-nerdy things], it probably can't be that solid on
handling DNS ... at least not as well as FreeBSD.  If anybody
onlist has messed around with PC-BSD for *server* stuff, i'd be
very interested in hearing about it.

tia, y'all


 Gary Kline  kl...@thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
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