On Thu, 6 May 2010, Fbsd1 wrote:

Why does this page show PCBSD has count of 387

And this page shows PCBSD has count of 1307

Why is this? I would think both should show the same value, or you better add explanation to the web page why the count is different.

As was explained earlier, normal operation looks at the past couple of months, to deal with cases, where, for instance, someone has it set to only report on reboot, but not monthly ... due to the countries issue that you pointed out, I made a slight change while things restabilize so that it is only showing this month's stats ... I will expand it again as the old data for countries fades away ...

The descrepancy above is due to the sub-OS pages not using the same DB query as the upper one, and as I didn't do the web front end, and the person who did is no longer around, I have to figure out *how* the code he wrote works, especially for those sub pages (template system, as there is no "/bt/" file system *on* the server ...

As to the rest ... especially the comments about the web site itself ... feel like stepping into the breach on that one? I have no creative talent for doing a web page, which is why I recruited someone way back when ...

Marc G. Fournier                        Hub.Org Hosting Solutions S.A.
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