
I'm trying to get the APC user cache to work for me... It works with PHP
installed as an Apache module, but not as a CGI.

I understand that in order to get this to work one has to add a:

> FastCgiConfig -maxClassProcesses 1

to their Apache config (for those that use Apache). I've done this, but
I'm still not seeing any evidence that the user cache is working.

The reason why I'm writing to this list rather than a PHP list is
because I'm a little confused by some of the PHP install options. It
looks like in 5.2 there was a FastCGI compile option. I'm assuming this
is enabled by default in 5.3?

> # php-cgi -v
> PHP 5.3.2 with Suhosin-Patch (cgi-fcgi) (built: May  7 2010 12:53:07)
> Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group
> Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies

What's confusing is the existence of both mod_fastcgi and mod_fcgi. Is
PHP compiled against fastcgi or fcgi? It looks like the former is
required for my setup. Since the key ingredient to this is the
FastCgiConfig directive above, I'm not sure if there is a way to test
that this directive has been recognized? I'm not seeing it in my
phpinfo() screens... Could I have mod_fcgi built into php-cgi and this
FastCGI Apache directive is being ignored?

In case this is relevant, I'm not doing any suexec stuff just yet.

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful,
professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy
to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.
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