On May 10 2010 08:04, Andrew Gould wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Frank Bonnet <f.bon...@esiee.fr> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > Is there a simple software to share files between a FreeBSD server and a
> > windows client other than Samba which is a bit overkill for my needings,
> >
> > I just want to share a directory (and subdirectories) of my server with ONE
> > Windows client, to facilitate some files exchanges between two users.
> >
> > Thanks for any infos
> Some things simply aren't that simple if you're setting them up yourself.
> The good news is that you get to choose the type of complexity you
> want to deal with:
> 1.  Samba.
> 2.  You could purchase a networked drive (network attached storage)
> that both computers can access.  Many retail stores now carry these.
> 3.  Webdav (included with Apache 2.2).  This setup is as complex as
> Samba; but you can access it securely across the internet via SSL.
> Good luck,
> Andrew
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Does anyone have a recommendation for NAS that works well for both
FreeBSD and Windows clients?


Sterling (Chip) Camden | camdensoftware.com | chipstips.com | chipsquips.com
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