>If one would really want to go with X, Tcl/Tk, as it has been
>mentioned by others (and me), is a good way to go. There are
>helpful examples installed when you install it on your system.
>It's a very easy to learn, but still powerful scripting language
>that very well interacts with command line processing. Just
>look at the examples, you'll find much inspiration there.

>For text mode and using dialog (as for example sysinstall does),
>it's another easy way to go, because you can entirely keep your
>scripting in /bin/sh syntax and don't need much dependencies.
>Furthermore, you have a portable solution. No special needs for
>a high-end GPU and an appropriate driver. Even a 100 MHz box
>with a 2 GB hard disk could then be used for this particular
>job. You could even attach a simple dotmatrix line printer for
>printing the receipt. :-)

Ok so I have my new box setup and I have installed

First question is , I have only ever used clamav-clamd in the past which I 
start with /usr/local/etc/rc.d/clamav-clamd start to run it, how do I run devel?
Second question is , where to o go from here?

I have tried to man tcl86 and man clamav-devel but I get no manual entry

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