On 5/31/10, Kaya Saman <samank...@netscape.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> similar like I wrote before, to do with my migration from Solaris 9 to
> FreeBSD 8.0 x64 RELEASE.
> Postfix is being run in a BSD Jail and so far I have disabled as much as
> I could of sendmail which I did this to rc.conf within the jail:
> postfix_enable="YES"
> sendmail_enable="NONE"
> sendmail_submit_enable="NO"
> sendmail_outbound_enable="NO"
> sendmail_msp_queue_enable="NO"
> However upon startup Postfix gives me this problem:
> May 31 18:03:18 relay postfix/master[4280]: warning:
> /usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling
> May 31 18:04:18 relay postfix/smtpd[4606]: fatal: open database
> /etc/aliases.db: No such file or directory
> May 31 18:04:19 relay postfix/master[4280]: warning: process
> /usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 4606 exit status 1
> May 31 18:04:19 relay postfix/master[4280]: warning:
> /usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling
> May 31 18:05:19 relay postfix/smtpd[4629]: fatal: open database
> /etc/aliases.db: No such file or directory
> May 31 18:05:20 relay postfix/master[4280]: warning: process
> /usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 4629 exit status 1
> May 31 18:05:20 relay postfix/master[4280]: warning:
> /usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling
> I can tell that it's listening as netstat -ap tcp reveals this:
> netstat: kvm not available: /dev/mem: No such file or directory
> Active Internet connections (including servers)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address       (state)
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp   
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp             web112111.mail.g.33920
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp   
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp             78-61-12-207.sta.28507 CLOSED
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp             78-61-12-207.sta.27646 CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp             78-61-12-207.sta.26479 CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp   
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp             78-61-12-207.sta.23305 CLOSED
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp             78-61-12-207.sta.22314 CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp             78-61-12-207.sta.21323 CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp4       0      0 relay.ssh              *.*                    LISTEN
> tcp4       0      0 relay.smtp             *.*                    LISTEN
> /var/log/messages gives me this:
> May 31 18:10:24 relay postfix/smtpd[4662]: fatal: open database
> /etc/aliases.db: No such file or directory
> however I did run the command newaliases which did create the aliases
> file under /etc/mail/aliases with the aliases.db file being under there
> as well as under /etc.
> Currently no mail is being relayed throughout the domain so I can tell
> that it's not working as even the /var/log/maillog file is telling me
> that messages are queued but not sent if I use:
> mail -s test em...@address.com
> test
> ^D
> Can someone please help me work out what is causing Postfix to fail as
> I've managed to migrate my config from Linux to Solaris with not as many
> issues and problems as this so it really beats me.......????
> Many thanks,
> Kaya


You may need to edit the following
  alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
  alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases

and run BOTH   'newaliases' and 'postalias /etc/aliases' depending on
your setup.

restart postfix for good measure

if you telnet to your postfix IP and get the 220 banner, postfix is
happy with the config and should work as config'd.

if after establishing a telnet session, you don't get any banner,
postfix is still having problems with something.  start looking at
logs again.
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