On Jun 03 2010 11:11, Murray Taylor wrote:
> Hmm i remember a 'game' where you opened a file
> then predicted what would happen if you just typed
> your name at the command prompt... then of course you had to do it
> to see if your guess was right...
> ie in vi
> "dwight" would delete a word then insert "ght" 
> destroyed the odd file or two i remember with the addition
> of 'random' control key additions....
It would be unfortunate if your parents named you ":!rm -r *", even
though they affectionately called you "little Remy Star" and you made
good friends with Bobby Tables (http://xkcd.com/327/).

Sterling (Chip) Camden | camdensoftware.com | chipstips.com | chipsquips.com
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