On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 07:48:48 +0200
Istvan Galgand <igalg...@freemail.hu> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Gnome desktop. Right click e.g. on BSD_06_2010.pdf icon, selecting
> open with document viewer. A few seconds later the process dies.
> Regarding the issue by means of Google I have found two pieces of
> information. First: check the content of /etc/rc.conf:
> dbus_enable="YES", it is included. Second: use ePDFViewer instead of
> document viewer. I am actually using this and doing a very nice
> job... My question is, shall I give up using document viewer or is
> there any idea how to put document viewer into operation? One more
> thing:
> pkg_version -v | grep evince
> evince-2.30.1_1                     =   up-to-date with port

If you type:

        evince BSD_06_2010.pdf

at a command prompt, do you see any error messages?

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