On Saturday 19 June 2010 01:28:51 Polytropon wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:21:30 +0300, Giorgos Tsiapaliokas <terie...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > i know that i can reinstall the packages and install them again as ports but
> > i don't want to do that,i want to convert the package installiation into
> > ports installiation.
> Okay, I think I basically understand. :-)
> First of all, I think you mean to DE-install the installed
> packages, not RE-install them.
> In oder to install KDE from ports, you need to removed the
> currently installed software (no matter if it has initially
> been installed by packages or ports).
> The de-installation of installed software can be done with
> pkg_delete, or with "make deinstall" from the ports infra-
> structure. In order to do the last thing, you would do
> something like this:
>       # cd /usr/ports/x1/kde4
>       # make
>       # make deinstall
>       # make reinstall

Not right. By this way you deinstall metaport only. 

> This procedure would first compile all the stuff, then remove
> the existing installation, and finally installing the just
> compiled new software. See if you need "make config-recursive",
> too; see "man 7 ports" for details.
> There's one thing I'm not sure about, maybe someone else could
> explain this: KDE4 as in /usr/ports/x1/kde4 is a so called
> meta-port. If someone does "make deinstall" for a meta-port,
> will it run "make deinstall" on all its parts (which are ports)?
> If you're using a port & package management tool, such as
> portmaster, portupgrade or portmanager, I think the solution
> is much easier:
>       # portupgrade -Rf kde4

Wrong again. Please carefully read ports/UPDATING for upgrade instructions
for all time since your binary package was releases. 

> See "man portupgrade" for details. The portupgrade program
> acts as a "front-end" to the ports infrastructure, and so
> controls the "make", "make install", "make clean" and so
> on steps.

Dima "Red Fox" Panov @ Home | C73E 2B72 1FFD 61BD E206 1234 A626 76ED 93E3 B018
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