On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 07:53:20PM +0200, Ruben Pollan wrote:
> On 09:11, Mon 21 Jun 10, Chip Camden wrote:
> > On Jun 20 2010 08:28, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
> > > I currently am using mail/thunderbird as my mail reader and it is just
> > > doing the job very well (even with heavy use of filters).... I use
> > > xfce4 on 8.1-PRERELEASE (updated and portmaster -Rafd'ed about 3 weeks
> > > ago).... I am looking for a good replacement suggestions.... here are
> > > the minimal features I need:
> > > 
> > > * Gmail support
> > > * Filtering (either internal or via external tool)
> > > * Multiple accounts (2)
> > > * Ability to send via local sendmail (my ISP blocks incoming port 25
> > > thats why I am using gmail)
> > > * Handle over 1000 messages a day
> > > * (optional) Plain text archives (unlike how Thunderbird does it)
> > 
> > You can do all of the above with mutt.
> > 
> I'm a big fan of mutt, it's my main mail client since a couple of years. But 
> I'm
> not sure if is a good replacement for someone use to thunderbird.

That really depends on the person, I think.  I switched from Thunderbird
to Mutt years ago, and I'm much happier now.

Of course, most people aren't me.  I guess the person seeking advice
should make the decision (and maybe give us more of an idea of what would
be a suitable replacement in this case).

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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