On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 02:16:42PM -0500, Richard Kolkovich wrote:
> I rebooted today to recover a couple devices which were in use by zombie 
> processes.  Now, I'm met
> with the same page fault documented in this previous message:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2010-June/217625.html
> I also performed the gettext upgrade between my last reboot and this one, but 
> I had no problems
> completing it.  I have since booted the MFS live CD, mounted my zpools and 
> updated world and kernel
> (RELENG_8 as of this morning) - still have the same page fault in the same 
> place.  I also tried
> GENERIC - no dice there, either.  Single user, no-ACPI, etc. don't work.
> I'll build some debugging into the kernel and see what else I can find...

I should have done this before spamming the list, but at least I can provide a 

With debugging enabled, I saw the problem child is the VirtualBox network 
module (vboxnetflt.ko).  I
set both enable_vboxdrv and enable_vboxnetflt to NO in loader.conf, and I was 
able to boot just

Sorry for the noise - hope this helps someone else out.


Richard Kolkovich
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