On 07/12/2010 18:25, Mina R Waheeb wrote:
This sounds like new HD vega cards, I think you need to track the logs. or provide any information that maybe could help to identify the problem. I had almost the same problem with my ATI HD card, with the latest update of XORG and -CURRENT it just working fine (with visual effects enabled). In most of the cases happended to me the vega card totally hang the mouse still move but it not responding to repaint anything so you can't event switch to terminal. So if you have some luck hit the power button and wait the machine to shutdown or just disable the visual effects :)
Mina R Waheeb

It's not Vega card, it's 9400GT card.

I had this happen to me at least 3 times over the last 6 months. But killing the process always helps. Luckily I have another hosts on my net.

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