see picture below...
--- Henrik Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 20 March 2003 14:20, W. J. Williams wrote:
> > ok, will try that...oddly enough though, mail comes in just fine, just
> > going out farts...should have put that in the initial email...still
> think
> > its NAT related?
> Mail as in POP fetching or mail as in SMTP mail server running?

ANSWER:  mail as in SMTP mail server (Sendmail).  I have drafted a little
visual of what my network looks like...this sort of grew out of what used
to be just a wireless router connecting my laptops, but now includes
FreeBSD which almost makes it's firewalling capabilities redundant; so I
know the build is not necessarily ideal.  I would like to keep it where it
is for now, until I am brave enough to place behind a freebsd firewall.  I
am just looking for a simple "starter" ruleset that allows ports
22,25,80,10000, 53 to keep working. I also would like to still be able to
perform pings and traceroutes out of my network, but not from the outside
|DSL modem         | 
|DHCP from provider|
|wireless router |
|  | 
|serves laptops; | 
|does NAT,       |
|port forwarding |
|as well for port|
|25, 80, 10000   |
|switch 24P        |
|   |
| IP for snmp only)|
|IPFW box               |
|fxp0    |
|                       |
|fxp1 gatway for clients|
|         |
|clients                 |
| through 8/24|

Will Williams

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