Personally, I enjoy our mascot Beastie, as well as the Beastie-influenced 
official logo. I also smile when I see Casper, Wendy andHotStuff.
 However, I also accept there are individuals who understand these symbols 
differently than me, and that I may be alienating them to my 
detriment.  It seems consumer products need to be mindful of cultural 
differences, is FreeBSD different? A larger community and increased OS market 
share wouldn't be all that bad, would it?

I hope that those of you who believe in FreeBSD but with a personal conflict 
with the mascot or logo,
 band together and propose a complementary alternate symbol. I don't 
mean flooding the mail list (it's obvious we can do that on our own), 
I'm talking about difficult time-consuming organization, lobbying, and 
support gathering. For me, I hope Beastie endures forever - he our first and 
legacy mascot - but I also wouldn't object to one or two more officially 
sanctioned mascots and logos either. 

Dale Scott

----- Original Message -----
From: David Brodbeck <>
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:25
Subject: Re: BSD logo

> On Tue, July 27, 2010 3:09 pm, Chip Camden wrote:
> > Quoth Paul Schmehl on Tuesday, 27 July 2010:
> >> --On Tuesday, July 27, 2010 15:49:47 -0500 Reid Linnemann
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >On final analysis, I think the OP should abandon any desire for
> >> >FreeBSD in favor of this:
> >>
> >> Sheesh.  Now I really have seen everything.
> >
> > Not quite.  Someone needs to come out with an OS named 
> Atheix, and
> > another called Agnostix.  Then we'll be complete.
> I tried Agnostix, but it's impossible to get support; every bug report
> gets closed with a status of "not enough information."
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Dale Scott, P.Eng.

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