> Dear all,
> As a potential user of FreeBsd, I would like to install FreeBsd along
> with Debian testing. I did a googling on how to install both on the same
> machine, however I also would like to make a post here, in case some
> better, easier to follow sites might be provided.
> As far as I can read from the installation manual, FreeBsd's
> partitioning scheme is different than linux, this is the 1st difference
> I know for now. I would appreciate if you could direct me to web
> pages(if any) where these differences are pointed out.


bEsT rEgArDs            |       "Confidence is what you have before you
tomasz dereszynski      |       understand the problem." -- Woody Allen
Spes confisa Deo        |       "In theory, theory and practice are much
numquam confusa recedit |       the same. In practice they are very
                        |       different." -- Albert Einstein

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