On Sun, 8 Aug 2010 10:33:30 -0500, Antonio Olivares <olivares14...@gmail.com> 
> This is it I guess.  I chose bash shell and the default schell is the csh.
> There is a file called .login in my home directory
> /home/olivares/.login which has:
> $ $FreeBSD:  src/share/skel/dot.login,v 2010/06/14
> 02:09:06 kensmith
> Exp %
> #
> # .login - csh login script, read by login shell after '.cshrc' at login.
> #
> # see also csh(1), environ(7),
> #
> if (-x /usr/games/fortune ) /usr/games/fortune freebsd-tips
> if [! -f /tmp/.X0-lock ]; then
>   /usr/local/bin/startx
> fi
> and it clearly says that is for 'csh login', so I would need something else?

Yes. According to "man bash", section "INVOCATION", mentiones
other file names: Bash reads and executes ~/.bash_profile,
~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile (in that order), so you can
add the line "[ ! -f /tmp/.X0-lock ] && startx" (short form
is completely okay and valid) at the end of ~/.bash_login -
or also .profile, but it makes more sense in putting it into
something related to "login" rather than a "profile", but
that's debatable semantics. :-)

The line "[ ! -f /tmp/.X0-lock ] && startx" is correct C shell,
sh (Bourne) and bash syntax.

> I have hostname="grullahighschool" in /etc/rc.conf file

Did you add a domain name (.local or .lan are okay)? Something
like       localhost       grullahighschool.local grullahighschool       grullahighschool.local.

should work if hostname="grullahighschool.local" is given. Don't
forget to assign an IP for localhost, too (can be the same). See
"man host" for details.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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