On Thu, 19 Aug 2010, Ondrej Majerech wrote:

On 19-Aug-10 13:20, Rem Roberti wrote:
I'm having trouble with xorg on a new 8.1 installation.  I haven't
installed a wm yet, but when I try to call up the generic x windows by
typing "startx" they do indeed appear, but all three of the x windows
are locked up. By that I mean that there is no mouse, and no possibility
of entering data in the windows via the keyboard. Totally frozen. And
you can't get out of x in the usual manner i.e. ctrl-alt-backspace. The
only thing that works is ctrl-alt-del which, of course, reboots the
computer. Any ideas are appreciated.

The Handbook chapter describes what to do:

"New" Xorg requires HAL and Dbus to recognize input devices by default. Do you have these enabled?

Alternatively, you revert to the old, no-HAL method by adding

Option "AutoAddDevices" "False"


Option "AllowEmptyInput" "False"

No. Please don't use that, it's not necessary and sometimes causes problems. AutoAddDevices "Off" by itself disables hal input device detection.

into your ServerFlags in xorg.conf.

Or just put them in ServerLayout.

You might also want to add Option "DontZap" "false" into the same section as well to have Ctrl-Alt-Backspace working again.

I think that DontZap is back to the default, but it's now the key combination that is unset, so setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp is the way to fix it. But it's been a while since I've needed to kill X manually, so haven't tried it lately.
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