On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 2:51 AM, C. P. Ghost <cpgh...@cordula.ws> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:19 AM, Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 05:52:24AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
>>> I'm searching for a round-clock style clock application for X,
>>> and I would prefer a standalone program (not integrated with
>>> KDE, Gnome, or else). It should be possible to define several
>>> timezones and attach a label to each clock (which doesn't have
>>> to contain the name of the time zone, but an arbitrary string).
>>> It should look something like this:
>>>       []========= The clock =========X
>>>       |   ____      ____      ____   |
>>>       |  /  | \    / \  \    /   /\  |
>>>       | |   +- |  |  -+  |  |   +  | |
>>>       |  \____/    \____/    \__|_/  |
>>>       |   BLAH      MEOW    DOGFOOD! |
>>>       +------------------------------+
>>> Just as bankers and dynamical long-legged success-oriented
>>> group-dependent program managers use them. :-)
>>> In the ports, I found intclock, but it doesn't have round clocks,
>>> and additionally, it allows to add UTC, and it is shown, but upon
>>> program restart, it complains that "Timezone UTC not defined.".
>>> There is no need for a GUI configuration tool if the use of a
>>> configuration file is documented, and then just contains the
>>> TZ name and the label per clock, as simple as possible.
>>> Does such a program already exist?
>>        how about using multiple instantiations of xclock?    i used to have a
>>        script with TZ= zulu, TZ=moscow, TZ=tokyo.
> Yes, you can do that and it works like a charm:
>  #!/bin/sh
>  # display multiple xclock(1)s side by side
>  for TIMEZONE in ZONE1 ZONE2 ZONE3 ...
>  do
>      env TZ=$TIMEZONE xclock

Obviously, the trailing '&' is missing:

  env TZ=$TIMEZONE xclock &

or you'd get only the first xclock

>  done
> (replace ZONE1, ZONE2, ZONE3 with real time zones
> from /usr/share/zoneinfo)
> You could even set the xclock(s) nicely side by side by using
> the -geometry flag as in:
>  env TZ=$TIMEZONE xclock -geometry "${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}+${XOFF}+${YOFF}"

Here too, don't forget the trailing '&'

> I suggest to keep WIDTH, HEIGHT and YOFF constant, and
> to increment XOFF by $WIDTH plus some small constant for
> every new timezone (use 'expr' to do arithmetic). This way,
> you get them all arrayed side by side.


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