Bastien Semene <> writes:


> I'm trying to add a certificate authority unsuccessfully.
> The Equifax certificates authority seems not to be registered in
> FreeBSD, so I tried to add it on my server.

You can use the security/ca_root_nss port to retrieve the Mozilla
Project root CA list and then configure the apps that need/require it.

> I'm not sure if I do it correctly, but found nothing more relevant on
> google and in the freebsd's handbook.

This is a svn issue, not a FreeBSD one, check this section of the svn
book :

Then adapt ssl-authority-files directive in [global] section of your
local or system-wide subversion "servers" file.

Éric Masson

 > Seriez gentils de garder "Hordes" ou "moutons" dans le sujet de vos
 > enfilades "débiles" ; comme ça, je peux demander à OE de les
 > filtrer. 
 -+- NM in Guide du linuxien pervers - "Bien configurer sa secrétaire"
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