> Hello,
> When using a laptop it is normal that there are some changes in
> resolv.conf during the live, for example:
> boot time: no network available
> start of PPP over UMTS: resolv.conf from provider
> start VPN to connect to company: resolv.conf from company
> ...
> it seems that sendmail is not aware of such changes in the resolv.conf
> and always get stuck with the old DNS and ofc does not work on incoming
> mails (provided by fetchmail). A restart helps, but is there some better
> way to let sendmail switch to the new DNS environment when resolv.conf
> changes?
> Thanks
My very wide guess would be that Sendmail starts before system obtain
network settings from DHCP.

But I do not remember Sendmail settings well enough.

bEsT rEgArDs            |       "Confidence is what you have before you
tomasz dereszynski      |       understand the problem." -- Woody Allen
Spes confisa Deo        |       "In theory, theory and practice are much
numquam confusa recedit |       the same. In practice they are very
                        |       different." -- Albert Einstein

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