On Sep 20, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Michael Ross wrote:

> Am 21.09.2010, 05:53 Uhr, schrieb Ryan Coleman <edi...@d3photography.com>:
>> As I said in my OP: I could just run a "cd" to the directory parent and do 
>> it there - that would solve the problem - but that's simply too dangerous if 
>> the script generator throws an error on the next set of commands (a risk I 
>> do not want to take).
> Maybe you could:
> mount -t nullfs -o ro /where/my/data/is /mnt
> cd /mnt
> zip ...

Excellent suggestion. I have a PHP possibility I am going to try... and if that 
fails I think this will be the likely resolution for at least the shell script 
(although this still doesn't fix the PHP run command - I'll deal with that 
later I guess)

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